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Anaëlle Molinario was raised in a suburb of Paris and is a certified costume designer. While visiting Berlin, she met the Ukraninian contortionist Irina Vashshenko, who noticed her gift of extreme flexibility and directed her in the art of contortion. Through workshops, private lessons and much autodidactic study, she continues to develop and master the art.

She has been working over the past 10 years in the whole world with many different projects : freaks shows, street shows, circus, cabarets and dances companies,

she worked with reknown companies and venues such as Cirque plume (2016-2019),Philippe Decoufflé (2016), Neues Jahr Varieté OVAG (2016), Thurford Christmas spectacular 2015)...


-Second and fourth place, Children and Professional JurI, Kleinkunst Festival:duet contortion act Duo!Lala! 2012

-Engagement Award “Monti," Solycirco Festival: contortion act Ouaillenote 2013

-First prize Audience Award, Winter Circus Hanson: contortion act Ouaillenote 2015




-"cabaret décadent n° 999 alias RAVAGE" with cirque électrique, contortion hula hoop, Paris

-"Gaia" with cirque phénix, Contortion, France


- La dernière saison, cirque plume

- Courtepointe .compagnie DCA , mise en scène philipe Decoufflé

- Variete unter sternen ,contortionGermany

- Inzestrite summer street festival tour

*Kalkwerk Festival .Germany

*Wiener neustadt , Austria

*Complètement cirque , Montrèal Canada

* Juste pour rire, Canada

* les artistes, Switzerland

* suhler strassen festival, Germany

- Demented dolls of side show . contortion and hula hoop

-"clown without Broder"show in refugees camps.Grèce

-Neusjahr Variete Ovag Germany: Contortion


-Christmas spectacular Thursford England : Hula hoop and Contortion

-Kabaret Kalashnikov Germany: Contortion and Hula hoop

-Duoh! Lala! and Inzestrite Street Show Festival Tour

*Fasti Verolani, Italy

*Spancirfest, Croatia

*Pflasterzauber, Germany

*Ursino Busker, Italy

-Glastonbury festival England: Contortion

-Demented dolls of sideshow Switzerland, Germany,Norway : Contortion, acting

-Oh la la chérie ! Switzerland : Contortion

-Melia Tortuga and Dunas resort Hotel Cabo Verde: Contortion, Hula Hoop, Acting

-Sifonofor, with Animal religion company Spain: Contortion, Ensemble Work


-Winter Circus Hanson Netherlands: Contortion, Ensemble Work

-Les As du Cirque Morocco: Contortion, Hula Hoop

-Cirque Monti Switzerland: Contortion, Hula Hoop, ensemble work


-Duoh! Lala! Street Show Festival Tour

*Bajazzo Festival Germany

*Sentosa Busker Festival Singapore

*Berlin Lacht Germany

*Rodara Festival and Fiera del Libro de Guadalajara Mexico

-Oh La La Chérie October, Switzerland: Contortion

-Cirque Starlight Switzerland: Contortion and ensemble work

-Cultural Center of Sao Vicente and other public places of Cabo Verde: Contortion, Hula Hoop, Comedy


-Madi Zelt der Sinne Germany: Contortion and Acting

-Weihnachts Variété Kosma Germany: Contortion

-Tralee Circus Convention Ireland: Contortion and Stretching Workshop Lead

-J-fest Antalya Circus Convention Turkey: Contortion

-SANATLA Festival Turkey: Hula Hoop, LED Hula Hoop Workshop

-Crece Project Spain: Contortion, Acting and Dance Ensemble

-Duoh! Lala! Street Show Festival Tour

*Vevey Art des Rues Switzerland

*Santa Sofia Buskers Italy

*Fest'art Liburnia France

*Karnival Sztukmistrze Poland

*Villach Festival Austria

*Pflasterspekatakel Festival Austria

*Mercantia Festival Italy

*Berlin Lacht Germany

*Grenzenlos Festval Germany

*Kleinkunstfestival Insel Usedom Germany

*Cirkul'art Slovakia

*Buitenkans Festival Holland

*Fira Tarrega Spain

*Ferrara Buskers Festival Italy

*Berlin Lacht Germany

*Deutsches-Franzosiches Fest Germany

-Lufttheater Gala Germany: Contortion, Performance in a Bubble

-Terca Convencao Baianna Brazil: Contortion

-Big Underwear Social Tour Street Theater Tour Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras: Contortion and Street Performing

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